The Best Markets to Visit in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Mercado Caraguay, Guayaquil
Mercado Caraguay, Guayaquil | © mariaflorine/Flickr

Founder, Not Your Average American

In Guayaquil, the largest port city in Ecuador, markets abound. Locals use them to buy everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to delicious, fresh seafood. Few markets see tourists, though some are worth seeking out and a great way to better immerse yourself in coastal culture. Most markets are fast paced, especially when the pallets of crab arrive on the docks and Guayaquileños vie for the best ones. Here are our favorites.

Mercado Orgánico

Mercado Orgánico is not your typical Ecuadorian farmers market. Rather, it is a small store selling locally grown, organic produce. The concept of sustainable or even organic is still emerging, even in a big city like Guayaquil, so finding a store like this one can be tough. They are open Mondays through Saturdays. Owner Fernando Palacios is ready and waiting for your business and your special requests.
Mercado Orgánico, Urdesa, Guayaquil, Ecuador

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